In this long and complex round of bargaining UTFA brought forward a number of monetary proposals (for salary and benefits) as well as policy proposals to remedy long-standing concerns related to the Workload Policy and Procedures (WLPP) and the PTR process. It has long been UTFA’s view that workload and PTR policies, in their current form, are inadequate to ensure fair, reasonable, and equitable distributions of workload for faculty and librarians at U of T.
A settlement of UTFA's financial proposals, in which UTFA made modest gains consistent with sectoral norms, was achieved on April 25, 2018. However, a discussion continued with the assistance of Mr. William Kaplan on UTFA's proposals to amend the WLPP and aspects of the Academic Administrative Procedures Manual relating to the PTR process.
科学上外网 ssr
- SBPW 2023 Arbitration Award UTFA and U of T (pdf)
- SBPW Interest Arbitration Brief
Dalla Lana School of Public Health
Dear President Gertler, Vice-President & Provost Regehr, and Vice-President, Human Resources & Equity Hannah-Moffat:
As faculty members at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, we write to express our concerns regarding the University of Toronto’s measures to protect the health and safety of all workers, essential and non-essential, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Urgent action is needed to: (1) ensure adequate workplace health and safety measures by consulting with relevant groups prior to the University’s reopening process; (2) provide employment security to workers currently facing precarity, including highly racialized and feminized low-wage workers; and (3) provide gender-equitable work-at-home policies related to childcare and elder care. The U of T is a world leader in public health with extensive expertise among its faculty. Moreover, the Dalla Lana School of Public Health has one of three Canadian graduate training programs in Occupational Hygiene, and the only one in Ontario. This faculty expertise is contributing to national and international responses to COVID-19, yet it has only scantly been consulted to shape internal U of T COVID-19-related policies. The U of T still has the opportunity to model a justice-informed COVID-19 response, marshaling this expertise, to ensure the health and well-being of U ofT workers.
Many U of T workers, and their unions, have expressed concern that the University has to date not adequately informed, let alone consulted with, the 50 joint health and safety committees (JHSCs) about health and safety protections for on-siteworkers. There is a lack of clarity on how the (shifting) public health recommendations are being implemented on campus, what personal protective equipment is needed and will be provided, and how physical distancing will be enforced, nor has there been a clear message on which positions are eligible to work on-site versus at home. Since the JHSCs were not informed about or involved in these decision making processes, worker representatives were unable to communicate with, or share the concerns of, their members. This is a missed opportunity on the part of University administration to engage those who are most familiar with workplace conditions and the day-to-day operations of the University.
Read the full letter including the list of signatories
The University of Toronto Faculty Association strongly condemns anti-Black racism in all of its guises. Like many in the community in which we live and teach, we are outraged by the growing number of violent deaths of Black citizens in both Canada and the United States. COVID and racialized violence are the double tragedy that has wrought untold anguish in families across North America and well beyond. We at UTFA wish to express our solidarity with those in the Black community who have suffered and also our sorrow. For those members who might need help navigating resources at this very painful moment, please reach out to UTFA at advice@0svhrt.wcbzw.com.
UTFA will hold special meetings of its Executive Committee and Council to discuss and reflect on the cultural shift that is a result of the heinous killing of George Floyd in the United States. Why was the catalyst for Canadian academics an American death at the hands of police—when the Black and Indigenous and Asian communities in Canada have been identifying systemic racism for years? What is UTFA’s role in confronting systemic racism in our community and in our university? What can UTFA do as a labour organization committed to equity both to confront our own lack of diversity and to address practices that are undergirded by racism? How can UTFA use its meeting spaces and its online spaces to give voice to these issues?
The University of Toronto Faculty Association
Vultr日本机房低延迟 开BBR加速,2K,4K轻松无缓冲 ...:2021-11-20 · Vultr日本机房低延迟 开BBR加速,2K,4K轻松无缓冲 NMBHOST 发布于 2021-11-20 分类:Vultr / 精选主机推荐 阅读(7932) 评论(0) Vultr 全球目前有15个机房位置提供给用户选择,具体位置看下图, vultr服务器给不同区域的客户提供快速 稳定的互联网
CentOS 7 开启 BBR 加速 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云:2021-3-2 · Google 在 2021年9月伇开源了他伊的优化网络拥堵算法BBR,最新版本的 Linux内核(4.9-rc8)中已经集成了该算法。 对于TCP单边加速,并非所有人都很熟悉,不过有另外一个大名鼎鼎的商业软件“锐速”,相信很多人都清楚。
We must stand beside and behind Black staff, faculty, librarians and students who have been dealing with racism at this institution every single day. As a group of primarily progressive faculty and librarians, we call on our administration to meet the demands and desires of our colleagues in the Black Faculty Group who have been working tirelessly, day in and day out, for change. We call on the U of T administration to commit to rigorous and systemic address of anti-Black racism and white supremacy on campus and beyond. And we demand a major investment of resources to support the flourishing of Black life and Black excellence at every scale of institutional life.
Read the full statement including the list of signatories
May 28, 2023
Cynthia Messenger, UTFA President
Over the past several months, UTFA members have worked assiduously to meet the challenges posed by COVID-19. We know that our members’ primary concern has been to support their students and ensure as seamless a transition as possible to online teaching and learning.
As we move forward, we want to assure you that members retain the usual intellectual property rights to all of their research and course materials. Intellectual property rights to inventions, including non-educational software, continue to be governed by the University’s Inventions Policy, while course materials, lectures, and educational software continue to be governed by the Copyright Policy, which applies equally to materials developed or delivered online and to those provided in the classroom.
Copyright Policy
Although U of T’s Copyright Policy states that the employer owns the copyright in work made in the course of employment, section 2.1(b) provides that work created by members of the University’s Teaching Staff*, librarians, or postdoctoral fellows in the course of their research, scholarship or teaching shall not be deemed to be made or undertaken in the course of their employment by the University.
Read the full update
May 15, 2023
Cynthia Messenger, UTFA President
Some divisions have announced that all fall courses, or at least those with 200 or fewer students, will be taught through hybrid models that combine online with in-person teaching. This announcement raises a number of significant concerns that UTFA is addressing with the Administration.
CentOS安装锐速serverspeeder教程_RedHat/Centos_操作 ...:2021-4-2 · 随着互联网的骨干出口不断拥堵,在下午和晚上期间丢包严重。为此Serverspeeder 官方开发了基于“ZetaTCP 专利技术”的锐速。锐速是一款内嵌 ZetaTCP 加速引擎的加速软件,可伍安装运行在所有主流 Linux 版本和 Windows 操作系统版本的服务器 ...
UTFA is aware that many members are being pressed to indicate what hybrid model they will be adopting, with no express option to teach online only. We have written to the Administration to object both to these restrictions and to the short timeline.
Read the full update
May 8, 2023
Cynthia Messenger, UTFA President
UTFA is taking a three-pronged approach to the array of COVID-related workload complaints that we have received since the middle of March. Judging from member emails, the number one complaint is that workload during the crisis has been excessive. Those with children have been very negatively affected. Preparing an online course that one can be proud of is an enormous amount of work, and the learning curve is steep. There is too much work; there is not enough support. Academic freedom and academic integrity are being sacrificed.
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1. UTFA will launch an Association grievance, the details of which we will publish in the coming days.
2. UTFA will bring the matter to the bargaining table this month.
3. UTFA is urging members to use section 4.2 of the Workload Policy and Procedures (WLPP) to address their individual workload issues and/or those of their unit with their chairs and deans—as soon as possible. See the green font below.
What can you ask your unit to do?
1. Course loads for fall need to be reduced.
2. Course credit (banking) must be in play to address overwork.
3. Enrolment caps need to be lowered.
4. IT support must be increased so that instructors receive the assistance they need.
5. TA support must also match the greater need of the fall.
6. Overload stipends must be presented as an option where appropriate.
Read the full update
Workload, Intellectual Property, Academic Integrity
【6.18特惠】三优云:圣何塞CN2、香港CN2,2核/1G内存 ...:今天 · 三优云(uuuvps)是香港三优网络公司旗下的云计算服务平台,本次6.18年中活动:美西圣何塞CN2线路、香港CN2线路均有年付特价活动,全场常规产品一律85折,商家承诺绝不超售,适合个人建站,活动时间6月18日-6月28日。
Workload: UTFA is deeply concerned about the sharply increased workload that our members reported during March and April, while they struggled to teach online. Because our members are devoted academics and professionals, they of course rose to the challenge. This increased workload is not, however, sustainable. UTFA will press the Administration to address this issue in concrete ways.
Intellectual Property Rights: As outlined in the University of Toronto’s Copyright Policy and Inventions Policy, members retain the usual intellectual property rights to all of their research and to all course materials, whether or not those course materials were developed and delivered using information technology (for example, online). These course materials include lectures, whether or not they are captured by audio or video recording.
All protections afforded by the University’s Copyright Policy and Inventions Policy remain in place during the COVID crisis.
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April 14, 2023
Cynthia Messenger, UTFA President
Please note the following:
锐速/BBR/魔改BBR/KCPTUN加速效果对比测试-翻墙党:2021-5-14 · 不足: 不支持OpenVZ架构的系统安装;不支持部分系统内核安装。 锐速一键安装:锐速一键安装脚本,附加速40倍效果图 锐速Windows版下载:锐速Windows破解版下载安装及使用教程 附加速23倍效果图 原版BBR 优点: 官方新内核集成不占用系统资源,安装成功率高,TCP加速效果比较明显,可伍对网站 ...
2. UTFA has asked the senior administration to agree to have unit heads sign an income tax form called a T2200 so that our members may claim the expense of a home office in the 2023 tax year, for the period during which members could not work at their university offices. We will keep you posted on this matter.
3. UTFA and the senior administration have come to agreement on some important issues:
President's Message, March 17: COVID-19 crisis at U of T
CentOS安装锐速serverspeeder教程_RedHat/Centos_操作 ...:2021-4-2 · 随着互联网的骨干出口不断拥堵,在下午和晚上期间丢包严重。为此Serverspeeder 官方开发了基于“ZetaTCP 专利技术”的锐速。锐速是一款内嵌 ZetaTCP 加速引擎的加速软件,可伍安装运行在所有主流 Linux 版本和 Windows 操作系统版本的服务器 ...
COVID-19 Updates
- Johns Hopkins Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases Dashboard
- Firm founded by U of T alumnus to supply Ontario with nearly one million portable COVID-19 test kits
- COVID-19: protecting health-care workers
- Use Caution when Choosing Dial-In Option in Bb Collaborate: Faculty of Arts and Sciences
- Tracking a pandemic: Q&A with a COVID-19 detective
- U of T's Central COVID-19 Information Hub
- Message to UTFA members on COVID-19
- Regeneron Announces Important Advances in Novel COVID-19 Antibody Program
- CentOS 7 开启 BBR 加速 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云:2021-3-2 · Google 在 2021年9月伇开源了他伊的优化网络拥堵算法BBR,最新版本的 Linux内核(4.9-rc8)中已经集成了该算法。 对于TCP单边加速,并非所有人都很熟悉,不过有另外一个大名鼎鼎的商业软件“锐速”,相信很多人都清楚。
- CentOS安装锐速serverspeeder教程_RedHat/Centos_操作 ...:2021-4-2 · 随着互联网的骨干出口不断拥堵,在下午和晚上期间丢包严重。为此Serverspeeder 官方开发了基于“ZetaTCP 专利技术”的锐速。锐速是一款内嵌 ZetaTCP 加速引擎的加速软件,可伍安装运行在所有主流 Linux 版本和 Windows 操作系统版本的服务器 ...
- Teaching Technology Support: Keep Teaching Webinars
- Q & A with Harvard's Senior Administration
- List of Colleges and Universities closed for COVID-19
- COVID-19—Planning for Completing Courses this Term (PDAD&C #50)
- U of T takes steps to protect and inform community members during coronavirus outbreak
- Government of Canada: 2023 novel coronavirus: Outbreak update
- 'Show up for people': U of T expert on what's fueling xenophobia amid the coronavirus outbreak
- City of Toronto: Novel Coronavirus 2023 nCoV
- CUPE statement: Novel Coronavirus
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- Election of UTFA President
News from the U of T Admin
- Course eval opt-out extended to April 30
- vultr加速教程:vultr一键开启bbr加速 ,加速vultr vps - Vultr优 …:2021-10-21 · vultr速度慢?vultr打开网页卡,速度太慢怎么办?vultr的所有方案都是kvm的,全部支持bbr加速,本文介绍下vultr如何开启bbr加速,一键开启bbr加速你的vultr vps,提升网络速度。
UTFA Pension Change Website